Dear NSR Competitors and Coaches,
The following information has been updated and is now available on the 2021 Regatta page.
2021 Instructions for competitors and coaches: Updated 25-05-2021
School / Club Parking Zones for Trailers: Updated 25-05-2021
Please note the role of your club / school Covid officer.
COVID-19 Declaration: Please ensure that your club / school has completed this form.

There are quick links to the following on the 2021 Regatta tab:
The Draw
2021 Competitor Information
Sch/Club Trailer Locations
NSR Safety Plan
NSR Safety Appendix
Covid Risk Assessment
Covid Officer Job Spec
Covid Declaration
Please ensure that you look at this page should any updates appear. A date will appear with a note of where the update can be found should it be significant.
Best wishes and all the very best to you and your crews for the National Schools' Regatta.