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NSR Committee

Supporting the National Schools' Regatta: Donation

There are currently two ways to support the National Schools' Regatta. The first being via a donation and the other is by supporting the charity when you shop using Amazon.

Support with a donation to the NSR:

National Schools’ Regatta welcomes support from the family and friends of our competitors.

At NSR, we love celebrating victories, and this year, our greatest celebration will be when we see the first crews pushing off from the landing stage, heading to the START of the first race. Because we know how important competition is to junior rowers.

And we want you to see the first race, to follow the performances of every competitor, as they sit on the start line, as they push through the 500m mark and as they cross the line, exhausted and elated. We want you to celebrate their personal achievements, as you roar at your tv or computer screen. Because by watching the racing at home, with your family, supporting your junior rower, you will be keeping them and yourself safe.

With the event running “Behind Closed Doors” we would like to ensure that everyone is still able to enjoy all the live competition action and follow the racing. As a small charity, we are looking for support from individuals and companies who would be interested in becoming NSR Partners to enable Live Stream. Please make a gift today of any size, and support the NSR Live Streaming Service. Join fellow parents like Simon, who shares why he is supporting the regatta this year:

"This year's NSR is such an important event for the rowers. It is going to give every young athlete the most positive memory they will have for years. They have lost so much in the past twelve months. So many disappointments over the last year. Separation from their friends and unable to do the sports they love. The NSR is putting on fantastic events under extremely challenging conditions. I'm happy to help them stream regatta so that every athlete can share the pride and achievement with their friends and family."

Could you join the Jean’s family and make a gift today, to support the regatta this year:

“Although our eldest daughter no longer rows as a junior we know the joy of watching her compete at NSR and would like to be a part of providing live streaming so that other parents can enjoy such joy.“

We want to thank, most sincerely, the families who have already made a gift and we ask other families to join them, as together we showcase the performances of every junior taking part, as we make their return to competition, safe, fun and first class.

To donate, please see the front page of the website and select the secure donate button.



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